
템플릿 – Features With Underline

Various Types

Various classification systems for products have been developed for economic statistical purposes.

Tangible Product

A tangible product is a physical object that can be perceived by touch such as a building, vehicle, gadget, or clothing.

Intangible Product

An intangible product is a product that can only be perceived indirectly such as an insurance policy.

마술잡지 아르카나

사업자 번호 : 138-91-51423

대표자 : 박중수

주소: 서울특별시 동작구 동작대로 9다길2 지층

이메일 : arcana_mgz@naver.com

이용약관 및 개인정보취급방침

고객센터 운영시간

월 – 금 : 11am ~ 7pm

주말 및 공휴일 : 휴무

문의처 : 0507-1408-0408 / 아르카나 카카오톡

Bank Info

신한은행 : 110-432-608498

농협 : 563-02-109985

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통신판매번호 2016-경기의왕-0173

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